There are some issues where a small number of powerful people are amplifying division beyond what actually exists. Global warming is at the top of that list. Everyone is in favor of cleaner energy. If we have a goal of reduced CO2 in the atmosphere, we can have respectful discussions about how to achieve that goal. I would focus on innovation and progress as essential. Prosperity, as opposed to austerity, will allow us to invent and implement better solutions. I would be opposed to proposals that cause present day actual harm to the poorest among us in order to avoid some future theorized harm. The reality of the energy available to us today requires us to continue to grow and develop all forms of energy.
Employer-based health insurance was a terrific vehicle for bringing health insurance the wider population of the United States. The next evolution should be into private individual based health insurance. This would help with several issues that come with employer-based health insurance. It could help with job mobility and avoiding gaps in insurance coverage when unemployed. It could also help small businesses who may find it hard to compete with larger businesses when it comes to offering competitive health coverage.
Primary and secondary education are the single most important area to ensure a prosperous and free country. The increased involvement of the Federal Government over the past few decades has been detrimental to education in America. This country is too large and too diverse for any central governance to be effective. More control should be returned to the state and local authorities. I would like to see more school choice by having a system that allows parents with lower incomes to receive assistance to afford a private school if that is what they would choose for their children. At the same time, those programs should be formed and administered by the local governments, not the Federal Department of Education.